Management of University Libraries in Digital Environment: Problems and Prospects in Taraba State University, Janligo, Nigeria

Author Details

Markus, Garbobi

Journal Details


Published: 20 January 2020 | Article Type :


This article is on Management of University Libraries in Contemporary Digital Environment: Problems and Prospects in Taraba State University, Library, Janligo, Nigeria. It explained the concept of university library and the role it has to play to ensure successful academic activity in its parent institution. It also explained the concept of digital environment and stressed the need for university libraries to be digitalized so as to play their roles effectively in the contemporary digital environment. It also stressed the need for employment and adequate training of staff and the need to purchase vital ICT equipment and other e-resources to ensure successful digitization programme for the university libraries. The paper also highlighted challenges encountered by university management in the course of managing university libraries in the contemporary digital environment such as copyright issues, funding problems, epileptic power supply, lack of infrastructures, lack of preservation policy, lack of professional staff and training programmes, among others. The paper recommended that National Universities Commission (NUC) mandate all universities to digitize their University libraries, and improve funding of the libraries. It also recommended that university librarians engage in advocacy to attract more funds to purchase digital equipment and employ more professional staff.

Keywords: Management, University, Libraries, Digital Environment: Problems and Prospects.

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How to Cite


Markus, Garbobi. (2020-01-20). "Management of University Libraries in Digital Environment: Problems and Prospects in Taraba State University, Janligo, Nigeria." *Volume 4*, 1, 1-6